Monday, December 6, 2010

The Bendginning

"Bendginning is the word that I have created for this project...each time we think that we see an ending, it is really just  another  beginning.

On our way to Atlanta, Mamsie and I were ore'taken with a feeling of anticipation : The final step in this process of a non- too- small endeavor, namely, CD making.  Mamsie said, "Well, this is the final step." The end seemed to be like a lovely little train station from 1905 shaded by a large oak seen from the train window. However.... the lovely little train station was no station at all. It was actually the camp of the laborers who were fixing the tracks.

We took the CD's home to merrily pack them in their cases.  Alas, there was a tree down on the tracks!  The covers wouldn't stay in the jewel cases!  Surely, we are learning patience the only way that can be learned--having to wait.  So, the train came to a halt and we have been waiting to reach that little train station shaded by the grand oak.

Thank you all for waiting patiently with us!  All will come to pass in God's time, not ours.

"My times are in  Thy hands,"
Anna Grace and Mamsie