Tuesday, January 4, 2011

baby bird

Once upon a time,
   At 304 Campbell Road...

  I remember exactly where I was when Mama and Daddy told us.  I was sitting in my place at the big table for Sunday dinner.  Everything was as it should be:  the china was out, laid on a fine table cloth and set with good smelling foods surrounded by all the family.  Mama said " We have something to tell y'all." and everything went from humming and laughter and talking to dead quiet.  "We're gonna have a baby!" The silence lasted a minute longer as the shock ensued, but I barely remember that, for in an instant the whole room erupted with shouts and "when's?!!!"  and we were all so plum happy we barely knew what to do with ourselves.
 Ever since that time, the baby of our family has been that extra measure of joy in our lives.  From the minute she was brought home from the hospital to now she has been an incredible blessing.  We would have to set the timer for all nine of us to get a turn to hold her and we loved to show her off to any and everyone.  It wasn't unusual to see, as she was napping, four or five curious and  heads to be peeking through a slit in the doorway and the instant she made a squeak a host of bodies would surround her cradle cooing and shhh-ing.  

   Our little baby bird continues to be a constant source of amusement and joy.  Moriah has a tender heart and loves to make people laugh. I don't know how many times I've been down or out of sorts and come in my room to find a bouquet of flowers on my nightstand or a little hidden note for me.   One of her best friends is her imagination and she and it have a way of entertaining not only themselves but all who are around them.  She has an incredible sense of adventure and loves to run and jump, fight indians and storm castles.

 I have been thinking lately just how glad I am she has been our little  Dawn and just like the dawn, she ever brings new sunshine to us.
  I do so love our baby and am so thankful God gave her to us.  - gabrielle fulmer 
  21, #5 in line.


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