So, posing isn't our strong point, you see. And for a while we were having to put the timer on the camera, and run back into position until finally by some token of kindness, one brother saved us.
Oh, yes, you may have guessed it. It was the one, the only - a resident of Mansfield, GA -- yes folks, it was indeed, CHRISTOPHER ELIJAH FULMER.
< (Wild cries of huzzah! ascend) He came in and loosened us all up. You see, after a half hour or so of running back and forth between camera and wall, over ground that is speckled with glass and metal and then having to pretend like you don't feel the fire ants that are right where you're standing but you have to keep smiling because of the necessity of getting that there picture - and then losing your place and trying to negotiate with the members of the party that "really don't want their picture taken anyways".... Then you can see
how glad we were when our brother came. He has always had a certain effect that is rather enchanting. When he used to live with the rest of the clan at the Grey Submarine and work second shift at Delta, we'd sometimes wait to hear the creak of the front door around midnight or so, as it opened and he came in. Then a pause and the click of the dead bolt locking. Sometimes (if we hoped extra hard and Chris was his sweet self) he'd come to our room and read us poems - silly poems and sad poems and far, far away poems. So many characters were played through his voice and he could always sweep us away in imaginary lands to see all sorts of creatures and people.
To this day, there is something not altogether real about Chris - something curious and far off. It's something about him that is completely unpredictable. At moments, you can almost see this "something" in his eyes, for they twinkle something fierce at times. I don't think he can help it. It's as if he got to keep the kiss in the side of his mouth just like the Darling Mother, so that he has never completely lost a portion of Neverland. I suppose this is one of the reasons why he is so much fun to be around and explore with, and imagine with.
Well, after coming to our aid, he made sure we laughed, and that we didn't let our feathers get ruffled over our unproductive shoot thus far. We did some calisthenics, acted silly, and danced in the streets. Finally it came: a picture suitable for the cd. This, however, wouldn't have happened (I'm convinced) had it not been for the dear knight that swept onto our Castle set and saved the day.
Thank you dear sweet brother!
- bella,
21 years of agedness,
#5 in line
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